Videos and Radio Ads
Representative Becky Carney Personal Story
Representative Carney’s heart stopped while she was sitting at her desk in the Legislative Building. Hear her story.
I’m Fine - 2013
Many people may ignore the signs of a stroke and say they feel fine. This short public service announcement covers the signs of a stroke and emphasizes calling 911 quickly.
The Signs are Everywhere - 2013
A 30-second public service announcement on the signs and symptoms of a heart attack in women.

The Clock is Ticking- 2013 Radio Ad
A 30-second public service announcement on the signs and symptoms of a stroke.
Heart Lessons - 2012
This award winning video is a 30-second public service announcement on the ABCS of cardiovascular disease prevention.
A Stroke Strikes Without Warning- 2011
This award winning video is a 30-second public service announcement on the signs and symptoms of a stroke.
Get Your Blood Pressure Checked- 2011
An online video on the importance of getting your blood pressure checked regularly. Special thanks to Dr. Suzanne Eaton Jones of Garner Family Practice for participating in the video.
Game Show: Stroke
A 30-second public service announcement on the signs and symptoms of a stroke.
Game Show: Call 911
A 30-second public service announcement on the importance of calling 911.
Mind Reader: Heart Attack
A 30-second public service announcement on the signs and symptoms of a heart attack.
Lost in Translation
This 30-second public service announcement emphasizes the importance of asking your health care professional questions about the meaning of your blood pressure numbers.
Stroke Heroes Act Fast
Check out these award-winning Stroke Heroes Act Fast videos from the MA Dept. of Health on recognizing the signs of stroke.
Archived Webinars
Million Hearts 2022: Understanding the Links between Environmental Pollutant Exposure and Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Events
Speaker: Wayne Cascio, MD
Originally aired May 8, 2018
A Population Health Approach to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk: Lessons from Heart Health Now
Speaker: Samuel Cykert, MD
Originally aired February 13, 2018
Managing Hypertension: Getting to Goal
Speaker: Brian Forrest, MD
Originally aired August 8, 2017