There is a large amount of evidence for the effectiveness of policies that reduce the risk for stroke.
Strategies Related to Stroke Advocacy
Support stroke advocacy efforts
- Collaborate with advocacy organizations working on policies to prevent stroke
- Share information, materials, and increase the capacity of state organizations that focus on policies to reduce the burden of heart disease and stroke
- Strengthen the effectiveness of the Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force through collaboration on advocacy efforts
American Heart Association You’re the Cure
Grassroots network actively works on local, state, and federal policies that address stroke prevention and treatment
American Heart Association’s Advocacy Efforts
American Heart Association and American Stroke Association
Directory of Free & Charitable Clinics
NC Association of Free & Charitable Clinics
Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force
Makes recommendations to improve the stroke system of care through its Action Agenda; applications for new members accepted each year.
NC Academy of Family Physicians
Political action committee that represents the voice of family medicine
NC Alliance for Health
Statewide coalition focused on advancing equitable policies to reduce health disparities, prevent chronic disease, and promote health
NC Institute of Medicine
Focuses on improving the health and well-being of North Carolinians by informing health policy at the state and local level
NC Rural Center
Provides advocacy and works with the state’s rural citizens to help their local communities flourish
Support policies to prevent stroke
Advocate for evidence-based tobacco reduction strategies such as increasing state-level funding for tobacco cessation and prevention, raising the tobacco tax, etc.
Advocacy Fact Sheets by the American Heart Association
On multiple topics including covering preventive services
NC Alliance for Health
Statewide coalition focused on advancing equitable policies to reduce health disparities, prevent chronic disease, and promote health
New and Emerging Tobacco Products and the Nicotine Endgame: The Role of Robust Regulation and Comprehensive Tobacco Control and Prevention
A Presidential Advisory From the American Heart Association
Policy Research Division of the American Heart Association
Which includes policy positions, policy reports, etc.
Promote physical activity and healthy food
NC Alliance for Health
Statewide coalition focused on advancing equitable policies to reduce health disparities, prevent chronic disease, and promote health
Support increased access to health care
Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force
Makes recommendations to improve the stroke system of care through its Action Agenda; applications for new members accepted each year.
Promote state preventive care regulations and funding within and beyond Medicaid
Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force
Makes recommendations to improve the stroke system of care through its Action Agenda; applications for new members accepted each year.
Support wellness visits related to stroke prevention
Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force
Makes recommendations to improve the stroke system of care through its Action Agenda; applications for new members accepted each year.
Support efforts to enhance stroke care
Support state and local policies requiring minimum level of stroke knowledge (i.e., high school graduation requirement for minimum CPR knowledge)
Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force
Makes recommendations to improve the stroke system of care through its Action Agenda; applications for new members accepted each year.
Promote regulations and funding to support telestroke equipment and services
Telehealth Resources
NC Healthcare Association (NCHA) resource on state telehealth advocacy initiatives
Support secondary stroke prevention education
COMPASS Study Patient Handouts
Disease management, insurance, and secondary prevention for patients and caregivers
COMPASS Study Support Network
For both patients and caregivers
Post-Acute Coordinators
COMPASS Study transitional care resources, assessments, and trainings
Support equitable funding for rural hospitals
NC Office on Rural Health
supports Small Rural Hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals
NC Rural Center
Provides advocacy and works with the state’s rural citizens to help their local communities flourish
Support efforts to enhance post-stroke care
Promote regulations and reimbursement for rehab/recovery services (e.g., neurology services for post-acute patients), education/counseling to prevent stroke recurrence (see Stroke Prevention section), telestroke (see Stroke Care section), etc.
COMPASS Study Patient Handouts
Disease management, insurance, and secondary prevention for patients and caregivers
COMPASS Study Support Network
For both patients and caregivers
Home Health and Outpatient Rehab Providers
COMPASS transitional care resources, assessments, and trainings
Post-Acute Coordinators
COMPASS Study transitional care resources, assessments, and trainings
Recommend post-stroke patient advocates using Telehealth and other sources so that patients have someone to talk to; include statewide resources
Directory of Free & Charitable Clinics
NC Association of Free & Charitable Clinics
Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force
Makes recommendations to improve the stroke system of care through its Action Agenda; applications for new members accepted each year.
Promote education about and use of secondary stroke prevention services (e.g., cardiac services that could be provided to prevent stroke)
Directory of County Health Departments
NC Department of Health and Human Services
Directory of Physicians
By zip code
Map of Community Health Centers
NC Community Health Center Association
NC Medicaid Provider Information
North Carolina Division of Health Benefits