Focuses on improving the health and well-being of North Carolinians by informing health policy at the state and local level
Resource Category: Advocacy-Support stroke advocacy
Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force
Makes recommendations to improve the stroke system of care through its Action Agenda; applications for new members accepted each year.
American Heart Association You’re the Cure
Grassroots network actively works on local, state, and federal policies that address stroke prevention and treatment
NC Rural Center
Provides advocacy and works with the state’s rural citizens to help their local communities flourish
NC Alliance for Health
Statewide coalition focused on advancing equitable policies to reduce health disparities, prevent chronic disease, and promote health
American Heart Association’s Advocacy Efforts
American Heart Association and American Stroke Association
NC Academy of Family Physicians
Political action committee that represents the voice of family medicine
Directory of Free & Charitable Clinics
NC Association of Free & Charitable Clinics